When I started making beaded jewelry, a few years ago, I didn't realize what I was getting into!
Making bracelets, earrings, necklaces was so much fun! The results were so pleasing! My sisters and friends were so happy when I would give them a piece!
Well, It is still very much a pleasure buying the beads and creating the jewelry, but now I have to sell it!
That means pricing the pieces ( how much did it cost me, how long did it take to make it), keeping an inventory, taking pictures (not just any pictures, nice ones!), buying or making displays, setting up an online shop (on Etsy for instance) with all it implies...(creating a banner, writing a description of each piece etc. etc.).
Not that these things are disagreeable as such (for a genuine salesperson, which I am not), but the amount of time put in the selling often outweights the time put in creating!
That, I must say is not a joyful surprise!
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